Marketing Atribution

Knowing each step your audiences take before converting allows you to understand which areas you need to be focussed. This increased insight gives you the best possible chances of conversion optimization, providing your business an efficiency increase of between 15% and 30%

Marketing Attribution

“As modern customers are evolving into unstructured, fast, digital buyers, intruding into their brain will help you to stay ahead of the race. We’re here to help you understand how your customers are interacting with your online pitch, and spot unseen opportunities that you could be taking advantage of – especially when it comes to boosting conversions.”

Serving your customers with specific information at the right point within their customer journey enhances the probability of conversions. Keep in mind that customer journeys are no longer as linear as once were; there are so many twists and turns and potential new conversion points than ever before. 67% of customers, for example, uses more than two channels before making their decision.

If you’ve become aware of your customers slowing down and leads and conversions beginning to shrink, it’s time to take a look at your marketing attribution and see what’s happening… or, at least, let us take a look!

Benefits of Marketing

Having insight into customer journey and being able to quantify your ROI is crucial for your overall digital strategy. You’ll find that your channels become more effective and your metrics are easily tracked

  • Customer Value

    Know the value of all your new customers in comparison with Customer Acquisition Cost(CAC). This will help you to target the most profitable customers or segments and streamline your marketing campaigns.

  • Customer Insight

    Have insight into points such as what channels and conversion paths your audiences prefer, as marketing attribution looks overall stages before purchasing.

  • Quantifying ROI

    Each and every step of the conversion process is attributed to a fixed value, simplifying the way you calculate your ROI.

  • Streamlining Campaigns

    Streamline your digital marketing campaigns by using your budget wisely. Our team provides detailed reports into what’s performing and what isn’t so that you can easily adapt to the ever-changing audience behaviours.

Data-Driven View of
Marketing .

“Campaign targeting can be challenging, which is why Qbytez provides a better picture of how your customers use the internet and how they make their decisions. This informs and improves your strategy to achieve high-quality conversions”

With our help, and the additional aid of our marketing automation tools, we’re able to dive in and make personalizations to your campaign to keep those high-quality conversions coming in, no matter where your customers have diverted their attention to – you could see us as your marketing rapid action team!

Atribution Reporting.

We provide a deeper understanding of where your customers are converting. This is the key to understand a lot about their intentions, as well as their intent and browsing pattern. Using this information, you are able to make informed decisions that will help to turn your website into a conversion magne

See exactly how effective your website is satisfying the requirements of your audiences, as well as pinpointing areas which could do with some more attention to increase your ROI and boost your conversions to the next level.

  • Offline Media Effect

    Testing and fine tuning your digital strategies for optimized online and offline media relationships.

  • Sweetspot Frequency

    Knowing how many touches are required per channel before your audiences move to the next steps.

  • Time to Convert

    Identifying and understanding the time frame taken of each channel until sales closure.

  • Channel Influence

    Insight into the influence to the early-stage customer first touches on your sales funnel.

Let’s Improve your

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